“A beautiful, twisted journey into the complexities of relationships!” Is her new husband really who she thinks he is? When young doctor Lauren Matheson meets Joe, an older divorced businessman, at a glittering poolside in California, it’s a chance...
“Fast paced, intensely driven…get ready for the unexpected with this thriller!” It all begins on an ordinary fall morning, when Kelly Medina gets a call from her son’s pediatrician to confirm her upcoming “well-baby” appointment. It’s a cruel...
“Beautiful. Haunting. Deceptively deep with a hint of whimsical. This debut is pure magic!” A charming, deeply imaginative debut novel about a young girl who is immortalized in her father’s illustrated books containing clues to their family secrets....
“Fresh. Riveting. Get ready for a long night because this is a book you won’t put down!” ABOUT THE BOOK: 20 years ago, a young woman was found dead. Today, in the same town, another is brutally attacked. This time, the truth will be heard. MY...
Who wants a new book hangover? Dear Wife by Kimberly Belle. This is the book hangover selection of the month! It’s also now available to order! Click the link, buy the book (if you haven’t already). Oh My SWEET JELLY BEANS. This book was good. If you read...
I leave tomorrow to visit my daughter and do some exploring with her – you can follow along on my travel blog – Steena Travels for updates if you’d like. While I’m gone, I’ll be reading some ARCs on my kindle but I’m really excited...